Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Great Review

Yesterday I received another lovely book review from a parent who is not familiar with anyone who has special needs. Thank you, Colleen Scamardi, for the kind words. Check it out:


Monday, January 25, 2010

I have received a number a lovely emails and handwritten notes, but this one (received a few days ago) has touched both me and my family. Thanks, Haley, for allowing me to share.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Last To Leave Home article

Just received an email from Eileen Kiley at Paul VI High School. The article she wrote made it to the Fairfax Connection webpage. Take a look:


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Vist to Paul VI

I so enjoyed visiting Paul VI High School where I spoke to the freshmen English classes. The 9th graders were required to read "Last to Leave Home" as part of their summer reading. I conducted a survey with very positive results---I'll share more about this. I also spoke to the Exceptional Child class (an elective)--thanks to all the faculty who were so welcoming and especially to Lonnell Battle who initially contacted me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What a wonderful New Year's gift! I received a wonderful comment from Whitney who said, "I've read your book three times--I just love it." Whitney is a new friend I met New Year's Eve who works with children who have special needs. The school is lucky to have her---so caring and truly loves these children.